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Home > Oklahoma City Negligent Medical Care Leading to Suicide

Oklahoma City Negligent Medical Care Leading to Suicide

The problem of suicide among active duty military and veterans is not a new one, and the US Department of Defense (DoD) has undertaken efforts to provide essential mental health services aimed at prevention. Unfortunately, statistics reported by the Department of Defense Suicide Prevention Office show that there is still far to go. Rates have been on the rise since 2015, reaching rates of 28.7 for every 100,000 current military personnel. For surviving loved ones, the emotional and financial losses have tragic implications beyond the grief.

You may have legal remedies for negligent medical care leading to suicide, and our team at Bertling Law Group will assist with all essential tasks. Monetary damages cannot bring back your loved one, but they can ease your struggles during this difficult time. Please contact us to set up a free case review with an Oklahoma City military medical malpractice attorney, and check out some background information.

Basics on Medical Negligence Claims for Preventable Suicide

Medical negligence is defined as a health care practitioner’s departure from the relevant medical standard of care, which leads to patient harm. In the context of negligence leading to suicide, the departure from the standard is typically the failure to take reasonable steps to prevent the veteran or service member from taking their own life. There are a few points to keep in mind if you are a surviving family member pursuing your legal remedies:

  • When an active duty member of the military commits suicide, you have options under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
  • The remedy for medical negligence leading to suicide by a veteran falls under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).
  • With both laws, your compensation is generally the same. Surviving family members can seek damages for funeral and burial costs, as well as lost consortium, education, guidance, love, and financial contributions.

Legal Help with NDAA/FTCA Claims

Bertling Law Group is prepared to handle all tasks involved with filing a claim for preventable suicide, starting with collecting evidence and preparing all required forms to prove your case. Our Oklahoma City military medical malpractice attorneys can also explain certain factors that impact your claim, including:

  • You are required to file with the VA for FTCA claims and with the relevant service branch for NDAA cases.
  • The Secretary of Defense can authorize NDAA claims up to $100,000, but the Secretary of the Treasure must approve higher amounts. The decision of officials is final, and you cannot appeal.
  • It may be possible to negotiate settlement with an FTCA claim, but we will file a lawsuit in court if the offer does not provide fair compensation.

Discuss Your Rights with an Oklahoma City Military Medical Malpractice Lawyer

At Bertling Law Group, we are dedicated to helping families cope with negligent medical care leading to suicide. We will be at your side throughout the legal process, ensuring you get the compensation you need to move on after a horrific tragedy. Please call 844-25-7558 or go online to schedule a no-cost consultation. We can advise you on what to expect after learning more about your story.

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